Thai Visa General Requirements and Process

To secure a visa to Thailand, generally you have to submit the following requirements:
You can submit your visa application in person or by mail.
Applications submitted in person are processed within 84 hours.
Applying by mail will take approximately 10 business days plus mailing time. When submitting application by mail, a self-addressed envelope size 6″x9″ or large enough to fit all passports with sufficient postage stamps is required. Please include a stamp for the cost of the previously mailed application form to applicant.
Applicant who is a holder of a reentry permit or those who hold passport from Bangladesh, the People’s Republic of China, Cambodia, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, the Middle East countries and the Socialist countries need to submit additional requirements:
Visa must be activated or used within three months from the date of issuance.